SoundExchange vs. Sirius XM: The Royalty Battle Continues
SoundExchange is once again at odds with Sirius XM, accusing them of misrepresenting and underpaying royalties related to their internet streaming service. This conflict revolves around the distinction between Sirius' two primary services: its satellite subscription and internet streaming. Given that the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board has set different royalty rates for each, the lawsuit alleges Sirius XM has been strategically bundling these services, skewing revenue towards 'webcasting revenue' to reduce royalty costs.
MacOS Big Sur Compatibility for Musicians
This will be an ever changing list that will hopefully help you decide when to update MacOS Big Sur. I mainly put this here for myself to keep track, but feel free to let me know what other music software statuses are since I obviously don't have them all :)
Collaborators Agreement
Almost every songwriter collaborates to some degree and the Collaborators Agreement is the easiest way to make sure that any contributions to a song are duly noted. It is also important to have a document that spells out what happens if you or your co-writer can’t be found, or you decide to add some foreign language lyrics and etc.
Essentials of Cuban Hand Percussion
There are certain fundamentals that anyone playing Cuban music must understand. These go beyond clave and montuno.
You must learn about the role of hand percussion and how the singer phrases his melody and inspirations. Don’t skip over this material simply because you may feel that you don’t need to know it.
Sample Work For Hire Agreement
Every songwriter needs a work for hire agreement. Here is one you can use.
Worst Gigs
On our way to a big tour in Mexico we got to the border at Nogales and the tour buses were supposed to meet us at 11 am. Well, this being Mexico, the time thing didn't really work and the buses didn't show. 9 hours of standing on the border waiting for 4 buses to show up (we had a huge dance troupe as well). The good news, one more day of border town partying, the bad news, well we had to do it all again the next day.