Essentials of Cuban Hand Percussion

There are certain fundamentals that anyone playing Cuban music must understand. These go beyond clave and montuno.
You must learn about the role of hand percussion and how the singer phrases his melody and inspirations. Don’t skip over this material simply because you may feel that you don’t need to know it.

Sample Work For Hire Agreement

Every songwriter needs a work for hire agreement. Here is one you can use.

Worst Gigs

On our way to a big tour in Mexico we got to the border at Nogales and the tour buses were supposed to meet us at 11 am. Well, this being Mexico, the time thing didn't really work and the buses didn't show. 9 hours of standing on the border waiting for 4 buses to show up (we had a huge dance troupe as well). The good news, one more day of border town partying, the bad news, well we had to do it all again the next day.

What is songwriting?

Two of the most common questions when it comes to songwriting are a) what is songwriting, exactly? and b) how can I become a songwriter? In this article, we will answer both of these questions so that you can get started on your path to success and happiness.

10 Songwriting Tips

Writing a song can be either the most difficult or easiest thing you do, depending on how you approach it and how creative you are.

The 10 songwriting tips below can help make writing a song a bit easier.

How to write a song

There are a lot of aspiring singers and songwriters out there, but when it comes to actually sitting down and writing a song, many people just don't know where to start. The first step in learning how to write a song is deciding to stop thinking about writing a song, and just write it. Songwriting is an independent process, so until you make a commitment to actually doing it, you won't succeed.